Leveraging Depo IQ in White Collar Crime: Civil Claims and Daubert

White collar crime costs the United States three hundred billion dollars annually. Not only can it be hard to detect, it can also be difficult to try. White collar criminals are fraudsters at heart, trained in deception over years of scamming people out of their hard earned money. Additionally, white collar crime is often perpetrated by large networks or corporations, lending these duplicitous individuals strength in numbers and the ability to shift accountability up or down the chain of command. In the past a plaintiff attorneys might have had to spend months of their life scanning deposition transcripts for the eureka moment that topples the house of cards. Now, with the powerful new tools provided by Depo IQ’s cutting edge artificial intelligence, this painstaking work can be completed in a matter of minutes.

It all begins with Depo IQs Behavioral AI for video depositions, which has the ability to pick apart a suspect faster than Perry Mason can start an argument. Depo IQ’s solution is comprehensive. First, its deception detection analyzes nonverbal patterns such as body language, vocal fluctuation, and emotional cues. This is paired with semantic analysis that goes beyond mere keyword searching to place the speaker’s words in the larger context of their narrative. These techniques are honed by its training with diverse datasets, allowing the Behavioral AI to approach scientific objectivity in its judgements. Where a plaintiff attorney has to learn who their suspects are before they can tell when something is off, the Behavioral AI immediately knows when it is getting the runaround. Afterwards, it provides an easy to use score for the video deposition, and integrates the results into a digestible analysis that then slots into the greater work flow. When tackling a large scale organization, this sort of efficiency is paramount.

Another important part of white collar civil suits is the role of experts. These experts provide the judge with knowledge in a specific area— for example, an expert in Sam Bankman Fried’s trial might have provided the judge with a working understanding of blockchain, which could then be used to decide whether or not Bankman Fried was misusing the new technology. It is the responsibility of the prosecutor to ensure that the expert they bring into court upholds the Daubert standard. Now this is a lot of additional work that takes away from the meat of the case. It requires five steps, all of which are corroborated by the deposition the expert gives. Depo IQ’s Cross Deposition Analysis is able to compare this deposition with other depositions given by the same expert, or other experts in their field. Instead of hours spent at your monitor watching expert commentary on anything from cell biology to particle physics, Cross Deposition Analysis speeds through multiple points of the Daubert standard. It can immediately know if the technique or theory is corroborated and has been tested by peers based on other depositions given by experts in the field. It also knows if standards exist and are maintained, and if there is general acceptance within the scientific community. Rather than feel like you are going back to school as you slog through dense, information packed content, Depo IQ will comprehensively expedite the job.

Depo IQ is going to become as vital to the courtroom as the briefcase which holds all those evidence documents. It is not a question of will AI change law but when. Leveraging Depo IQ  against white collar crime is a no brainer for plaintiff attorneys because it means more cases won, more innocents protected, and more justice served.


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